2024 WCA President’s Report
April 1, 2024
A reminder that US Chess has signed a contract with the Madison Marriott West to host the 2025 US Open! The dates are July 28 – August 3. The first thing to note is that that is only seven days. The 2025 event will be the first of the new seven-day format US Opens. There will still be nine rounds with the Traditional schedule doubling up rounds on two of the first three days. Shorter schedules such as a four day and most likely a five or six-day schedule will also be available. All schedules merge Friday evening in round seven.
I’m impressed by the number of new organizers and events held in the state. We have to work cooperatively however in our scheduling of weekend events. There is a problem with concurrent or adjacent weekend events that are making our players select which events they go to instead of possibly participating in multiple events. Organizers need to work together in setting dates for their events. The way to do that is to contact our tournament clearinghouse (an official US Chess post) who happens to be Guy Hoffman at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. He will let you know what other organizers are planning and let you know if your dates have already been taken. I suggest not signing contracts until you get with Guy.
Striking a blow to our organizational efforts is that UW-Oshkosh’s Gruenhagen Conference Center due to UW-Oshkosh’s financial problems, no longer has any staff to check people in or clean the rooms after the event. Due to this the recent State Scholastic Championship was reduced to a one-day event. For the first time since 1987, it will necessitate us looking for a different location for the Junior Open and Veterans Tournaments. If you have any suggestions for venues for any of our events, please contact a Board member.
Read more: 2024 WCA President's Report