WCA Board Meeting
Arlens house, Milwaukee
The meeting was called to order by President Nietman at 12:20.
Members absent were: Pete Webster, Mike Selig, and David Granik (second consecutive absence). Proxies entered: Jerry Noel holds Seligs vote and Mike Nietman holds Websters (Pete gives his proxy to David if he is present).
- Announcements: The Grade Level Championship in Milwaukee will have a Friday-Saturday schedule. There was miscellaneous discussion regarding Bob Patterson-Sumwalts directing experience.
- Minutes of 8/30/04 meeting: Minor corrections were made to the record. Motion to accept as amended (AW/KR), carries 8-0.
- Treasurers Report: Ken hands out various items of information (attached). As usual, the Junior Open helped out or financial situation. Some of the items are estimates since the final numbers have yet to come in. Jerry makes a quip about using Fuzzy math while former Treasurer Guy Hoffman admitted that I just made up numbers.
Ken hands out a letter to a Ms. Boardman regarding a bad check. There was discussion on how to handle future similar situations. It is the feeling of the board to let Ken try to resolve this politely before calling in the collection services of Hoffman, Smith, & Wesson. The discussion then turned to the Kittsley Fund and tagging them as Restricted Funds for accounting and business purposes. In Kens packet of old statements, the year 2000 was missing. Guy and Ken worked to resolve the question as to how much and when Scott donated and augmented the fund. 12:42 doorbell rings as David arrives.
Motion to set the Kittsley fund at $2400 as of 1/1/2004 to fund the upset prize per Scotts intent, (KR/JN), carries 6-0-2 (DG, PW).
Mike Nietman brings up a question regarding Ray Hayes. It seems that Ray plays in a large number of out of state events, and Mike was wondering about giving him a Life Membership so that he doesnt have to send out a card every year. Jerry Noel objects to that option on the grounds that every time a Life membership is given, it is followed soon after by death. As an alternative, Jerry and Arlen each donate $5 to the WCA to give Ray a paid WCA membership for two years. - 2004 State Closed: nothing new to add.
- 2004-05 Junior/Vets Financials: There was discussion about the beginner section and the situation of having big kids playing small kids. Possible split into two sections next year. T.D. coverage was also an issue. Guy covered the Veterans section for Arlen. Matt Roeder also assisted. There were some technical problems associated with USCFs online membership and rating system. Mike Nolan of USCF is working on the problems. The Denker/Polgar representative has not yet been completely determined. Jeremy Kane and Siarhei Biarieshyk will have a playoff at a later time. Both are students at Madison West. Amy Volegedes of Milwaukee James Madison High will be the Polgar rep. One USCF membership came back as expired, Zac Hirschman. A note to Chris Brown, the team coach, will be sent.
- 2004 NCO final report: Selig apologizes for being absent from the meeting. A statement on the financials is handed out (attached). The turnout (39 players) was a disappointment. Ken has a few questions for Selig on some items.
- 2004 WI Memorial progress: Mike Nietman will send out an e-mail to clubs asking for a list of their deceased.
- 2005 Elo Progress: Arlen was considering either Brookfield or South Milwaukee. The event will be 3/5-6, 2005 at the Radisson south of the airport.
- 2005 State Closed: no bids entered. Guy will check with the UW. For two Chess Life issues, the TLA must be in by Feb. 10th. Guy proposes an electronic vote to the amazement of those present. There was additional discussion regarding possible sites.
- OOB: none.
- 2005 Tour: Guy lists probable and possible events for the 2005 Tour.
Feb. 12-13 U.W. Winter Open Madison Mar. 5-6 Elo Open Milwaukee Mar. 26 Marshall Memorial Waukesha Apr. 30-May 1 Thompson Memorial Milwaukee (possibly May 7-8) May 28-30 State Closed TBA July 2-3 Western Open Milwaukee July 23-24 Green Bay Open Green Bay Sep. 17-18 Badger Open Waukesha TBA U.W. Fall Open Madison TBA R-K Open Racine TBA Levit Mem. Milwaukee Nov. 25-27 NCO TBA Dec. ? WI Memorial Madison
Arlen diverts the discussion to the 2004 Milwaukee Jubilee, Guy Hoffman wins it. - Next meeting: Pete tenders his resignation since he usually has difficulty attending. The Board rejects the tender and accepts his other offer to host the next meeting. Feb. 27, Sunday at 1300 hrs. in Janesville.
- ONB: none.
Motion to adjourn, (GH) carries 9-0.