Volume 3 #3-4
This was a double issue which opened with the editor's apology for how life conspired against him getting the issue out at all. Things had cleared up for Pete, and with this issue he announced a third year of Joyous Chess would, in fact, occur.
He added an apology for errors in v2#2: He'd flipped the names of the players in Webster-Martz, and he'd omitted the light notes that Richard Kujoth had supplied for the game Annen-Kujoth (there were 4 in all).
This was followed by announcements for the 1972 State Championship in Stevens Point and the 1972 High School Team Championship, run by Mr. Baird at Boys' Tech HS in Milwaukee, as well as a tournament ("sometime in May?") at UW-Madison and the Duluth Open at UM-D.
Other notes from this issue are reproduced below.
A Pleasant Evening?
If you're in Milwaukee and would like to spend a pleasant evening playing and talking about chess, we suggest you pick up a phone book and call Nikolajs Kampars. Nick is no longer [as of 1971] able to play tournament chess, but still plays a mean skittle and a good 5-minute. Nick is an active postal player, too. He was the editor of Opening Adventures magazine, and is now co-editor of the series of booklets Chess Digest is now publishing on the Blackmar-Diemer Gambit. If you tire of examining the latest wrinkles in the BDG, Latvian Gambit, and other unusual openings, you might ask to see the autographed photo of Tartakower; Nick was personally acquainted with him and other European Masters. We would bet our KBP [that's f-pawn for those hopelessly stuck in modern times] that Nick would appreciate a ride to Hawthorn Glen some Monday or Friday, too.
Josef Friedman Wins Badger Open
Joe scored 4-1/2 -- 1/2 to take clear first place. NINE players tied for second! The top 7 players were all undefeated. The last two rounds were remarkable in that only one game of the seven involving the leaders was won. All 6 of the leaders drew in rd 4 and Holyon-Meifert and Webster-Anderson were draws in rd 5. (Though John threw away a win.) Persons who check the prize list and see the name 'Braun' as women's winner may be curious: "First name is Marilyn, could it be??" Well, to relieve your anxiety on the point, it could. Mrs Braun, nee Koput, was married last month. (Feb 1971)
The Chess Player
We have received for review a copy of this English magazine, and were impressed by its scope and quantity. This is the sort of information ambitious players must have; the very latest in opening theory. Also appropriate for those who just enjoy master games. You get about as many as you could wish, here. We quote from the accompanying letter:
"Subscription for 12 months: $15 for surface mail, $19 by air freight, or $24 by airmail." Volume 1, 1596 games. Includes complete events of Netanya, IBM, Berline, Venice, Gothenburg, 39th USSR Ch., Palma, and the Alekhine Memorial in Moscow. It will soon be available complete at $8.00 or $8.50. Most issues are available singly from Chess Digest or USCF as tournament books (the main event covered is used as a title).
It is noted that the popular Chess Informant only twice a year at about $6.00 per copy, containing perhaps about 650 games. The first six monthly issues of The Chess Player contained 2.5 times as many games for only $1.50 more. The sample we received contains 203 games, an article on the Modern Benoni by W. R. Hartston, and four pages of excellent photographs.
The notation is Figurine; algebraic but with symbols of the pieces used instead of their initials. It is not difficult to read except for being very crowded; we would suggest using a note card and uncovering each line as you go. The "Air Freight" quote is for copies shipped to the U. S. A. by air and then mailed 3rd class in New York.(?)
1971 Western Open
Now for some moldy "news." Most readers will know that Grandmaster Levente Lengyel of Hungary won the 1971 Western Open with a 6-1/2 -- 1/2 score. Richard Verber of Illinois took clear second with 6-1, drawing with Stephen Popel and Larry Mason. The Grandmaster dropped his half point in the first round, against Greg Stayart of Illinois. Greg also defeated Angelo Sandrin, but for some reason he forfeited against Rd 6 and then withdrew; rather an anticlimax. Josef Friedman of Wisconsin had the unenviable task of playing four masters in successive rounds, and drew all four!
1971 North Central
Bill Martz has again produced a book on this event, which ended in a six-way tie for first: Martz, DeFotis, Verber, Ploss, Karklins, and Tums. It includes a crossable and 87 selected games. A new feature is the commentary Bill provides on each game. There are indices of openings and players. We don't know the price. Bill will not be in Wisconsin for several weeks, so we suggest you wait until the end of April to make inquiries.
Other Events
The Manitowoc Open was won by Bill Martz, The Racine City event by John Oberg, while Richard Foelker won both the St Norbert and the Appleton Thanksgiving Opens.
According to a note from Robert O. Stoeve, longtime contributor to the Minnesota Chess Journal, Ajeeb the chess automaton made an appearance at the Milwaukee Exposition of 1888. In this instance, the automaton Ajeeb was being played by Charles Moehle.
1971 State High School Tournament
This year's State High School Team tournament was won by Marquette with a perfect 6-0 score. Boys' Tech was second at 5-1 and South third with a score of 4-2.