Event Calendar

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Manitowoc Tornado 4
Contact Steve Erbach, 920-279-5688, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Manitowoc - Two Rivers
Chess Club
Terran Chess Federation
The Manitowoc – Two Rivers Chess Club
and the Terran Chess Federation present

Manitowoc Tornado 4

A Wisconsin Chess Tour Event

Saturday, April 13, 2024 $1,110 Prize Fund
Same Low Entry Fees! Bigger Prizes!
Intersection of I-43 and Hwy 151
If you stay the night, there's a special room rate: $99
(includes full breakfast buffet!) Mention CHESS! (920) 682-6000.

4-Round Swiss (Dual-rated)
Game in 60 min. + 5 sec. delay

Two Sections:

Open – Open to all
Reserve – Under 1600 or Unr.
USCF membership required
(see https://new.uschess.org/join-us-chess)
Open Prizes Reserve Prizes
1st - $250
2nd - $150
3rd - $100
A - $90
B/below - $80
1st - $130
2nd - $80
3rd - $50
D - $45
E - $45
F - $45
G/Unr - $45


April 13: 8:00am – 9:30am
Rounds: 10:00, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00
You may request one ½ point Bye in round 1, 2, or 3 (request before 9:30 AM Apr. 13).
Advance Entries: Please check in before 9:30 to ensure that you’re paired!

Entry fees:

if PAID by Wednesday, 4/10/2024 Open Reserve
Check or Money Order (U. S. Mail) >>> $25.00 $15.00
King Registration >>> $27.25 $16.95
*** After 4/10, each entry fee is $5 more ***

Questions? Call Steve Erbach at 920-279-5688; or send email inquiries to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Bring your electronic chess clock! Sets provided.

Come early for the Holiday Inn's excellent Breakfast Buffet from 7:00-10:00.
$9.95 is a heck of a deal! Buffet included if you stay the night!

Make payments to:
Terran Chess Federation
939 Lincoln Blvd.
Manitowoc, WI 54220-3331

OR enter via KingRegistration.com!

Manitowoc Tornado 4

Circle your Section > > >   OPEN   RESERVE
½ Point Bye? Circle round#:    1   2   3
Location Holiday Inn - Manitowoc, 4601 Calumet Ave, Manitowoc, WI 54220