Contact Guy Hoffman 920-279-0701 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Olympia Resort, 1350 Royale Mile Rd., Oconomowoc, WI 53066. In 3 Sections, Open: 5SS, 30/90; SD/60 d5, EF: $33 (Jr $28) if received by 5/1; $5 more later or at site. $$b/25: $200-125-80. A $80; U1800: $80. Rds.: 10-2:30-7:30; 10-3:30. Reserve: 5SS, 30/90; SD/60 d5, Open to 1799 & under. EF: $23 (Jr $18) if received by 5/1; $5 more later or at site. $$b/25: $75-60. C $50; U1400 $50. Rds.: 10-2:30-7:30; 10-3:30. RBO: 4SS, G/60 d5, Open to 1199 & under. EF: $15 if received by 5/1; $3 more later or at site. Prizes: trophies and medals. Rds.: 10-1-3:30-6 (5/3). ALL: Reg.: 8:30-9:30 am 5/3. ENT: Guy Hoffman, 1305D Tompkins Dr., Madison, WI 53716-3279, 920-279-0701. Checks payable to: WCA. INFO:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. HR: $99 single/double, $109 triple/quad (mention chess). 262-369-4999. WCA Tour Event! NS. NC. W.
Location Olympia Resort, 1350 Royale Mile Rd, Oconomowoc, WI 53066