Bylaws Changes to be Voted on At Annual Membership Meeting
At the Annual Membership Meeting being held on Sunday, September 1, 2013 at 3:30 PM in Neenah Wisconsin there will be a vote by the Wisconsin Chess Association (WCA) members to change the WCA Bylaws. The details of the changes are posted on this site.
The biggest change is to have the Annual Meeting completed electronically (email) via the internet. This would be completed during a three month time frame (January thru March) using a web site data base that will be maintained by a Data Based Coordinator assigned by the WCA Board of Directors. The results of any elections, the President’s and Treasurer’s report will also be sent out electronically.
The idea behind this change is to better communicate with WCA Members and to have greater participation by the Members. You are a voting member if you at least 16 years old and have played in any WCA Tournament in the previous year. You can also become a member by paying a $5 annual fee. The current format has had the Annual Meeting at the Wisconsin Closed Tournament. The attendance has been poor, and only the individuals at the tournament could vote. WCA would really like greater participation in voting for new board members and feedback on any issues related to Wisconsin chess. Another advantage to the change would be more time for chess at the Wisconsin Closed Championship either going to a seven round format or having other chess activities.
If at all possible please plan on attending the Annual Meeting this year to give us your opinion and vote on the proposed Bylaws change.
Wisconsin Chess Association
Bylaws Changes
Totally Replaces Section 6
6. Meetings
6.1 Definitions:
Annual Meeting: The three month process described in this section. References
to the Annual Meeting in other sections of the Bylaws is referring to the process in this section.
Audit Team: Two individuals that will be appointed by the Wisconsin Chess Association (WCA) Board of Directors (BOD) on an annual basis to review the results of the voting members as accumulated by the Main Contact.
Main Contact: The individual appointed by the WCA BOD to send out and receive emails from the voting members. The Main Contact will also tabulate the results of all votes and report all information to the Audit Team.
Member Data Base: The data base with the Voting Members email addresses will be maintained by Data Base Coordinator. The data base will be used by the Main Contact on the initial email sent out to the Voting Members. All registration forms for WCA tournaments will have a line for the players email so the Member Data Base can be updated on an ongoing basis.
Voting Member: A WCA member in the previous calendar year and over the age of sixteen. An individual is a member by playing in a WCA tournament or paying the membership fee.
6.2 During the first week of January the Main Contact using the Member Data base will send to the Voting Members the initial email. The deadline for a response from the Voting Members will be the end of January. The initial email will include:
- The announcement of Board of Directors members whose terms will expire
- Request for nominations to serve on the WCA Board of Directors
- Request for any bylaw changes
- Request for any suggestions or comments
- The announcement of changes in the membership fees to be effective April 1
- Nominees for Honorary Life Membership
- If a survey is ready it would be sent at this time
6.3 From February 1 to February 15 the following will occur:
- The Main Contact will review all responses.
- All BOD nominees will be contacted to see if they want to serve
- The ballot will be prepared for the vote on Board of Directors
- The current BOD will review and vote on any Bylaw changes
- The Bylaw changes will be prepared for a vote by the Voting Members
- The current BOD will review and vote on any Honorary Life Memberships
- Honorary Life Memberships will be prepared for a vote by the Voting Members
6.4 On February 16 using the Member Data Base the Main Contact will send to the Voting Members the ballot for the WCA Board of Directors, the Bylaws changes referendum, and Honorary Life Memberships ballot. The Voting Members have until March 15 to send their vote to the Main Contact.
6.5 March 15 to March 31 the Main Contact will accumulate the votes and review the results with the Audit Team. The final results will be reported to the WCA BOD.
6.6 April 1 the annual report to the Voting Members will be sent via email by the Main Contact and will include:
- The results of the Board of Directors vote
- The results of the Bylaws changes vote
- The results of the Honorary Life Memberships vote
- The Presidents report
- The Treasurer’s report
6.7 The newly elected Board of Directors term starts April 1. The BOD will have three regular meetings. Between regular meetings the BOD may conduct business by mail, telephone or email. A special meeting of the BOD maybe called by the President or upon written request of three Board Members. Five Board Members must be present for a quorum for any meeting.
6.8 A special meeting of the membership, following thirty day notice, shall be called upon a majority vote of the Board or upon written request by ten members.
6.9 The Board Members as of September 1, 2013 will have their terms shortened by five months.
For the following added changes are in BOLD deleted changes have a strike through line.
Changes to 3.2
A change in the amount of dues shall be announced thirty days after the meeting.
Changes to 3.3
Honorary Life membership maybe conferred by a three-fourths vote of the Voting Members present at an the annual meeting upon a person who has rendered notable service to the Association.
Totally replace 4.2
The newly elected Board of Directors shall elect Officers for the Association within one week after the Annual Meeting via a meeting or through email. The new Officers will be announced to the WCA members via email.
Changes to 5.1
The officers of the Association are a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, who are elected by the Board, and such committee chairmen as the President may appoint. The Board, at its option, may elect one person to serve as both Secretary and Treasurer two officer positions, with the exception of holding both the President and Vice President positions.
Add 5.6
The Board of Directors will appoint an individual to service as the Data Base Coordinator who will maintain the Member Data Base as defined in section 6.1.
Changes to 8.3
OFFICE ADDRESS: The principal office address of the Association shall be in care of the secretary the President’s address.